

Happy New Year to everyone who comes by today and most everyone else as well. We start the first day of this new year out with a temp of about -16. I'm not going anywhere. Probably will be worse tomorrow morning.

Media loves to do the year end clips and such and I miss those purposely as I've seen too many. There are also predictions and other types of bullshit to fill the empty shelves in this country's store of consciousness with more of the same. Many I read and link to on my side are better and smarter than the painted faces on the tube and our side differs greatly on how things are going and headed in the next year. Our side will argue vehemently with one and another on just how much each one knows and who is more correct. It's a huge negative.

Briefly this last decade was amazingly bad for how many reasons one wants to chose. This next year looks like the same will continue but that's me.

I am so lucky to have the lifestyle I do and have had.There is a change coming that I will try to post on later. I try to spread what I have around a bit and that's coming to an end. I will do my best not to complain when the luck stops as how can I complain when around the globe and here as well far too many have it not too good.

To everyone I wish this year is a very good one for you. I hope that what we hear from our leaders pans out and conditions begin to improve on all fronts. I better stop before I put a hex on things. Seriously-



  1. Happy "Next" Year to you also brother.

  2. Happy New Year to you as well, OneFly.

  3. I'm reading some bad things into your post One Fly. Hope I'm wrong and 2011 is good to you.

  4. Your sagacity is only exceeded by your good looks, Fly. May this new year be your best ever!

  5. OF,

    VERY bad vibes from your post, please let me know WTF is going on.

    Tim M KC

  6. Sorry friends I had no intent to mislead. I'm actually in a great mood and the tone is one of my becoming nervous about quitting work and gambling on not having health insurance if that makes any sense. Probably not. Thanks for giving shit!
