
Death Threats My You Know What

In a follow up to a post two below this you can see watch this racist lie through his teeth. Notice his real nice gun and the use of gun talk saying there will be a "shootout" and explains it means nothing. Many do not appreciate the lies he spews about MLK several times a day and he dismisses that as well.

This asshole takes a play right out of the Palin playbook and cries victim saying as she does that there have been ever so many death threats received. Not to say these two were not contacted but our side does not threaten the other with the insinuation that they will be killed. We do not do this this shit and that's a fact.

What do you do when you lie or get caught in a lie and you are disingenuous in the first place? Ah but of course you lie your ass off a bunch more and at every opportunity.

I don't believe this death threat bull shit not even for a little bit because it's just not happening. Have to remember too where the locals are coming from as this guy has been elected to the school board.


  1. Perhaps we will be seeing this guy on the national news sooner than later.

  2. What a jack*ss. This guy is clearly dangerous.
