
Drug Warriors Win Big At The Border

This is what you get with billions of dollars of our money.

National Guard troops operating a remote video surveillance system at the Naco Border Patrol Station say they observed several people preparing a catapult and launching packages over the International Border fence last Friday evening.

Two kilos at a time enough to warp the minds of hundreds of grade school Amerikan childruns. I'm sure the badges are patting themselves on the back. The Mexicans chased them away but couldn't catch anyone.


  1. A catapult, eh? I haven't heard of that before.

  2. I don't think these fellows were very smart Andy. Plus articles such as this leave much in doubt. A lot of times I think they do this so the monkeys think we're winning on our third war front.

    Plus I can throw 3lbs over that fence real easy.

  3. This is stupid.
    We go to the dentist in Naco Mexico.
    This fence [wall] does not go on for ever.

    Just a short walk and they could hop the border with ease.

    The check point there is not even that sophisticated.

    The whole town of Naco is no more than a few square miles.

  4. Did you see the video of the two girls who climbed the fence in 40-50 seconds or some damn thing like that?

  5. One Fly -- under 19 seconds. And these weren't, like, gymnast girls or anything, they were normal sorta weak sorority girls. So we're spending all these billions of dollars on this fence for... err... what, now?

    - Badtux the Baffled Penguin

  6. It is all just one infinite barbaric circle.

    The Virtual Fence Corporation and all of its affiliates give start up money-[payola]-[political contributions] to our legislators.
    Privatized prisons, the Corporations that makes the uniforms, supplies the meals, the fences, the bricks, Security Guards on and on.
    Are the main contributors to our Congressional Critters.
    The Critters then in turn pass legislation -[War on Drugs]- and other projects to reimburse the contributors [Corporations]with contracts funded by our tax dollars.

    This is what Corporate Capitalism is, and will be as long as we exist in the Corporate States of America.

  7. Oh my! I plead cornfield.

    I saw this Tux and yes these girls were by no means athletic. Good on them I bet that would be tough. Never liked climbing stuff like that.

    But if I wanted to get to the other side well ---

  8. So I hear the poor bastard who was assigned to catch the pot quit.
    Is this what they mean by going medieval on you? As you can see I love this story. Did you see who made the catapult? Acme.. Beep beep
