
I'll Take El Baradei

You betcha! Over almost every politician in this country.

From Democracy Now 3/10/2003 he slaps the lies for war from the bush regime with a vengeance never seem from big whore media in this country.

As a co-owner of the Nobel Peace Prize he was not out spreading WMD's around  unlike our prez who had just escalated his war in Afghanistan when he got his medal.

I have always admired this man for telling the truth. I hope that has not changed and have no idea how Egypt will turn out but I'm glad this man is there. 


  1. I agree.
    he might not end up being the top guy.
    But he will have a voice.
    Seems that the M/B has given him their backing.
    He has been out of Egypt for a long time.
    But the streets might forgive him for that. :-)

  2. Of course Fly's for El Baradei! It's so easy to say! Rimes!

    So am I!

  3. If that One-Fly-Photo on the mast-head is a Colorado meadow, I'm finding myself wanting to believe that I walked through it 50-60 years ago.

  4. Well maybe you just did Vigil.

  5. As do I.

    I respected him then.

    He was (to me) the smartest guy in the room (and made me ashamed to be an American represented by 'thugs).

    Thanks for all you do!


  6. Full agreement One Fly, his integrity is impressive. He was continually under attack from us for our skirting of the NPT rules.

  7. OF

    Love the new decorations, can't wait to see the drapes and pillows.

    El Baradei has been on tract and is pretty much a NO bullshit guy. Hope they don't take him out.

    TM KC

  8. Well men and Suzan I didn't bring up for a change about taking somebody out but that thought crossed my mind as it did Ano's as well. We don't like this guy because he called us what we were too many times. Liar.
