
Judge Burys His Boot In Free Speeches Ass

I remember this women and had done a post about Carol Kreck two and a half years ago.. The piece this morning a does not tell the whole story and I do not agree. McCain's goons told the pulice to have this women removed from a public place and of course they did. The article is here in it's entirety as it's short. The real explanation is found in the video. The judge could have have found in favor of freedom to express an opinion but of course he ruled in favor of the rich and powerful.

U.S. District Judge Lewis Babcock dismissed Carol Kreck's free-speech lawsuit against the city and county of Denver on Thursday. In 2008, Kreck was escorted out of the galleria outside the Denver Performing Arts Complex and cited for trespassing after a political town-hall meeting where Republican Sen. John McCain was appearing. Kreck was holding a paper sign that read "McCain = Bush." The lawsuit claimed her constitutional rights were violated by the city and Officer Matthew Canino. The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals had previously found in another case that the galleria was not a public forum.That decision led Babcock to find that a reasonable person in the police officer's position may not have known that banning protests during the political town-hall meeting could have violated Kreck's rights. Kreck is a former Denver Post reporter. Felisa Cardona, The Denver Post


  1. kicking out librarians--that's an all time low I think!

  2. That's for sure. I don't believe there are many librarians doing hard time for dastardly deeds now are there Liberality? But she was dangerous here - eh!
