
MLK And My Employer

Don't know about yours but mine it appears could care less about this man and what is supposed to be a national holiday.

Starting today and through Thursday they are holding a conference for managers and superintendents. These guys don't even pay you for holidays like you know the big one - xmas. If you work on that day and other holidays they recognize but don't pay you unless you do work then you get paid double. That does not make the baby jeebus happy.

Does this have anything to do because the business is golf and the headquarters are in Arizona? I'm gonna take it real easy cuz after all it is a holiday that I recognize.

Will our president call out this Pentagon war whore lying bastard that says MLK would condone these two wars for lies we are in if he had not been blown away by a racist sonsofbitch right winger's bullet

I expect he will not and that is unfortunate.


  1. Yes, Thanks! I always celebrate Martin's day. I will always celebrate him for, among other reasons, his total opposition to stupid, bloody, and costly wars.

  2. Maybe he'll give us a phone call RZ. We must never forget Vigilante and RZ that we are the voice of reason and truth. That people like MLK were as well. That what they said and stood for is not allowed to be something other like this asshole said from the Pentagon.

    Who will they kill next??

  3. Your employer most likely doesn't mind the extra money coming in from golfers that have the day off, and he most likely charges them more for it being a holiday.

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