
Racist/Radio Station Owner/School Board Member Has Gun Permit Taken Away

Look at the hate in this mans eyes and hate he does and more as well. There's so much here it's not easy to get it down in a few words. Here is the link to the article that is short and to the point. He is also a hard core racist. Tea bagger is not mentioned  but you can bet he's there too. He got his concealed weapons permit taken away for threatening a rival. Thank you sheriff for that! From Greely,Colorado and this slug of a human sits on the school board as well and spews lies about MLK on his daily broadcasts.  Here are a few items from the article below and this is not over as he says he's bringing his gun to the board meeting. People like this are so dangerous. Taking his permit away will not stop this type from doing harm but that action once again sheriff is appreciated.

Reese, a member of the Greeley-Evans 6 school board, has for three years aired a recording of a letter that calls Martin Luther King Jr. a sexual degenerate, an anti-American communist and an embezzler. He plays the recording in advance of the MLK holiday.

he threatened a "shootout"

Reese has a concealed-carry permit, but the Weld County Sheriff's Office suspended it Thursday.


  1. This clown is not just doing it for the ratings. He is on the edge.

    Let me know how that vote turns out on Thursday.
    It should be very telling.

  2. You and the good people of Weld county might want to consider an action against his radio license.

