
Some Mentors Quit Over New Pentagon Rules

I am fine with this and give Gates and the Prez thumbs up on instituting this program. Keep all military types out of the Pentagon if they are getting paid as consultants for company's and I don't give a shit if the company they work for makes ass wipe.


  1. Calling these Generals $5.00 whores is an insult to $5.00 whores.

  2. About bloody time. Good for Gates and Obama - these guys are no loss at all.

  3. That's no shit RZ.

    Pretty basic stuff here Cujo. Now lets see the list who are on the payroll for others and still consult at the Pentagon.

  4. Get rid of them all! We know they are a major problem but Jim has been lobbying his Commanders to get rid of them in EOD.

    They are ruining the military and on his shelves alone at the school house are multiple millions of dollars worth of obsolete equipment those ass holes that get paid by the company make them by. It is sick the way it works!
