
What Kind Of Meat Is That

There's a horsey conference in Las Vegas for an interesting reason.

And then there is the why of it and there are many of those.

Once you try it it seems you want more. Personally I'm hungry and wouldn't think twice about haveing a horse steak fresh grilled over mesquite. You betcha-bring it on.


  1. It's damn silly to be a cow eater and not be willing to eat horse. Horses sure as hell aren't much smarter, and they're vegetarians too.

  2. Better us than dog food. At least give people a real market for this meat outside the US where common sense and open minds prevail over the stupid here.

  3. I had horse steak decades ago when I was in Belgium.
    Actually quite tasty.
    Taste buds will be changing as the price of food rises.

  4. Had lunch at a new place today. Would have been better off with horse meat.

  5. I've never had horse. Would be snacking on Republicans still be cannibalism? After all, if horse is OK, why not horse's ass?

  6. I've been watching A bunch of episodes of "Bizarre Foods" and I think that fit's the criteria of food TC.
