
Arrest This Man

I don't give a shit what anyone says when you have a commander on the ground attempting to use mind games to influence and manipulate members of our government who fund our aggression around the globe and in this case on our second war front in Afghanistan that's a crime.

This is where we are at that chesters feel free to openly politic for increased mayhem and death. This is soooo wrong and this president needs to get rid of this criminal immediately and take appropriate action. Of course chester says he didn't do a thing wrong ya see there.

bama won't do squat because they got their mitts on him a long time ago.


  1. Our tax dollars at work - trying to get more tax dollars to spend!

    Brilliant pic, by the way.

  2. They've invented the 'Perpetual Motion War Machine'. What a scientific breakthrough!

  3. Damn near beyond belief some of this stuff. I swear it's getting worse out there on a daily basis.

    Thanks Andy.

  4. To me, the money quote was the one from that Marine colonel, about how something was legal if he said it was. I think anyone with even a passing acquaintance with the UCMJ would know better.

  5. But it seems they don't Cujo. The unaccountability factor is present in the armed services as well too.

    Seriously these upper level chester types are not that dumb are they to say this if they didn't feel somewhat comfortable with it.

  6. Thanks for the post. I signed up.

  7. You know Tom, I listened to this on the news a few times and was perplexed.

    I listened to some of the Senators who it was used on and they said they saw nothing out of the ordinary.

    I was thinking they wouldn't know it if it hit them in the face. They were probably thinking tape recording or something.

    It's like raising kids, common military life, It is all psy ops. You know it and act accordingly, it is daily life today!

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tZu80CZ6Ho

  9. That is for damn sure but what I see here Jim is a bit more and this officer had much more in mind.

    "It's like raising kids, common military life, It is all psy ops"
