
Concealed For Everyone

You betcha! What a way to stop da crime and protect so many from the evils that lurk.

This did not pass or is it likely to but it shows where these teabagger pinheads are coming from here and at a national level. They only care about wasting time in a futile attempt in most cases to advance their regressive agenda,

What it has done is this.

I have always said the baggers and the repugs are one in the same and still believe that's more true than not because from the beginning they did little to renounce the crazy racist shit that came from their ranks.


  1. Concealed carry without a permit, just like in Arizona. These people have their heads up their asses.

  2. This is the right and the nutters answer to several things and I think you are being too nice. Thanks for stopping by Mike.

  3. "Hoist on their own petard" goes the saying, but it seems that the TBs served their purpose before they got a might out of control.

    Don't worry, though, as Daddy Dick will soon be slapping them down if they get in the way of the "true" Patriots.

    Love ya!

