
It's A Bird It's A ??

Last Sunday playing around with another video camera I shot this video and after watching it a couple times noticed another object. It is seen at 17seconds about the middle of the screen going at an angle from left to right close to the contrail.The nose of the jet and the object actually meet. It's probably  another plane but it doesn't really look like one. In slow motion it's seen at 47sec. You have to watch in hi-def to see this and it needs to be said that if I did not have a camera that recorded in hi-def nobody would have seen this. It seems this plays in hi-def on it's own as on my computer there are no quality choices as usual on the lower right. Not sure click on you tube and watch there.

It might not be much but I get a huge kick outta shit like this!


  1. Can you go back and put a circle around it? I am seeing nothing.

  2. No I can't Mont-I'm sorry. No big deal I'm pretty sure it's a plane.

  3. Damn, and my eye doctor said when he took out my cataracts I would see as good as new. I'm gonna ask for my money back.

  4. send me a bag of that, will ya! oh, and sum papers please...
