
Limpy Reid Shoots Self In Pecker

I can't believe he was stupid enough to say this but after all he's the leader of the pack in the senate. He better get his shit together for what's coming down the tube from the house. I expect more limp dick shit and until shown otherwise it will be the same old Limpy being served up in da senate..
The gallery in the Assembly chambers went silent Tuesday when Reid paused for applause after he told lawmakers from both houses that "the time has come for us to outlaw prostitution."


  1. Sounds like he shouldn't have paused for applause.

  2. shows how out of touch he is and that's includes bunches of other stuff as well

  3. The longer politicians stay in DC, the longer they seem to lose touch with the place they're supposed to be representing.

  4. Leave that alone, I wish he had the balls he was born with, grew a spine and got something done that matters to this country. He is a sad disappointment and a sad excuse for a man.

  5. Agreed Cujo and I like the parameter you set because at county level here I think we have some good people as there are other places at this level of government. You bet they lose touch and I have a feeling as these house measures move up to the senate will be hearing more from this man Jim.

  6. "Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval, who attended the speech, said the brothel industry is "not something I would support," Sandoval further added, "...not at least by the light of day."
