
Pawlenty Plays god Card In Cornfield

Like what else is this dummy going to say to the mind screwed that live in Iowa except exactly what they want to hear and there are pa lenty there to listen to his nonsense.

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty touted his evangelical background and offered a sharply conservative social message.  "Acknowledging God, turning toward God not turning away from God is an important starting point for all these values," said Pawlenty. "We can't be a great country until we're a good country.

And he's a fart smucker too!

Evangelical Christians play an important role in Republican politics, and particularly the politics of the precinct caucuses. Pawlenty argued that as the Republican field begins to take shape it is likely to be dominated by conservatives.

That's the way it is this time of year almost two years before there will be the election they are BSing about. Nothing has changed and the whole message from the candidates on the right will be one of the invisible cloud being that does not exist but only in the minds of the brainwashed.

Link if you give a shit to look at it.


  1. It's best to remember that when amongst dull objects the one with a small amount of shine will be chosen.

  2. And speaking of farts, T-Paw has about as much substance as a popcorn fart. When the big dogs of the GOP show up, folks will be saying, T who? Except for the older folks who will be asking about that fella who reminded them of Harold Stassen.

  3. There is a whole lot to be said for the separation of church and state...Allan

  4. Just think how much better off if religion was never mentioned in any form with politics and visa verse from the pulpit.

    That's the way it's supposed to be and should be but of course our country loves the non existent invisible cloud being waaaay too much to give up the lie this far into the game.

    Our country loves the stupid.
