
Sadistic Beater Cops

Seriously how in the hell as a human being and after taking the oath that they do can officers who wear blue do this to another helpless person for what seems like an eternity. And do not forget these fuckers would turn on you and I in a instant if told to. They need to be behind bars but of course that will never happen.

For what it's worth if you care to do something you can go here.


  1. That video is crazy. I just put it up on facebook.

  2. They need to be in jail Andy. I don't give a shit if they're the Queen of Egypt!

  3. Remember, One Fly, there's only a thin blue line separating the cops from the robbers.

  4. Nice header pic today!

  5. How these thugs got badges is a mystery. Unless the people doing the hiring are thugs also.

  6. Thank you everyone-I just think this behavior is very common if fact it is very common. What get me is that these fuckers do it it broad daylight. And it's not the first time you can bet on that.

  7. I hate cops because they abuse their power in little ways but also in large ways like beating someone's baby like this. It makes me sick!

  8. The sad thing is that the majority of Americans *want* their cops to be judge, jury, and executioner. That whole "justice system" thingy is, like, just too hard for them to understand. Dirty Harry, on the other hand, gives them a fucking woodie. As long as cops mostly are doing this to dusky fellers and wanton gals, it ain't changin', 'cause we live in a sick, sick, sick country, yo.

    - Badtux the Rude Penguin

  9. It is very sick you guys and getting worse from what I see. This is not the place I grew up in - not even close and it sure as hell not better.

  10. Well, actually, Houston cops have always been like that. I remember when I was visiting my aunt in Houston when I was a kid, reading the Houston Post (R.I.P.) about a couple of drunk Houston cops who were on duty and decided it'd be a great idea to shoot out street lights... from their cruiser... with their service weapon. And they weren't fired! Even though they were drunk on duty and behaving in a clearly unsafe manner!

    That was, err, (mumble mumble) years ago, when you were likely a Half-Fly. Things ain't changed. We just hear more about them 'cause we got these here Internets now.

    - Badtux the Pork-scryin' Penguin

  11. I remember as well in general anyway about Houston cops after you point his out.

    I will get some mileage outta "Half Fly". That was funny!!

    Thanks for that Penguin.

  12. But not 'Open Fly'! That's not funny. :}

  13. No it's not Fearguth but what can I say sometimes I forget and then get abused because they say I'm trolling for ---well you know what.
