
A Widening Divide

We've seen this before with pharmacists who for instance refuse to fill "morning after" prescriptions and now down in Tuscon a responder refused to go to the scene of the assassination attempt on Rep. Giffords to lend help in a time of great need. What a piece of dog shit this prick is.

As this country continues it's decline back into the dark ages of tea fuckery mentality along with repuglican and media lies that divide we the people even more these actions unless common ground is found very soon will divide us to the point that it will be us verses them as our country's scenario of guvmint.

There is no common ground coming anytime from now from what I see happening.


  1. Go get'em, baby!

    Tell it.


    As this country continues it's decline back into the dark ages of tea fuckery mentality

  2. The Jesusistani Pharmacists are still hard at it, trying to get "conscience" laws passed. Some of them are opposed to filling prescriptions for ANY form of biurth control.

    The solution for them is simple; find another profession if you have to do things that you don't agree with, instead of trying to shove your f'd up morality down the throats of others.
