
Can It Really Be So

As much as the catholic church and pedophile priests get hammered here this latest round of accusations is incredibly bad. 21 priests put on leave and you have a red robed cardinal on his knees saying sorry. If this turns out to all be true which I sincerely hope not maybe it's time to take legislative action against the poop Benny and his minions here to protect the children from these men who wear robes.


  1. I think the problem may be that the Roman Catholic Church, with Vatican City, has it's own form of government and is hard to reach through legislative action, although, I agree, if this was happening in any other sector of society we would take action.

    I think.


    I'm trying not to stay in a pissed off state of mind, but then I think of the pin I have that says, "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention."

  2. I said that about legislative action Teresa just to annoy any believers that come by. Of course that would never happen but once again the depth of this issue with priests and the cc has reared it's ugly head. This particular one is huge.

    Outraged you betcha. Can I still smile and laugh a bunch?? Double you betcha!

  3. I'm glad you can still smile and laugh a (double) bunch. If we don't those miscreants win, and That is not going to happen. Not on our watch. :)

    The header photo - Trinidad ?

  4. Some little town which I cannot remember the name of along the Mississippi in NE Iowa.

  5. Chances of seeing priests in prison is probably similar to that of seeing the guys who "shock and awed" thousands and thousands of Iraqis into dust motes...

  6. and that's the way it is Mr. N.
