
Coulter Gonna Spew Tonight In Laramie

I'm sure some of the best Wyoming nutters in the area will show to listen to this worn out slut who may be packing man meat. At least that's the word on the street.

Good for all  bozo's up there who love her skinny ass but not so much for the one who anonymously threw away 10 of the 20K it took to wheel barrow this travesty to Cheney Land as an example supporters of free speech have to endure.


  1. I've been packing 'man meat' for 69 years and didn't even know it. ;>

  2. I don't know about her packing man meat, and I don't want to get close enough to find out, but I do love your line about wheelbarrowing this travesty to Cheney Land. She and Cheney both feel like people who would have let the dogs out regularly at Auschwitz. Evil walking.

  3. Skank has been wearing the same little black cocktail dress since Dick Cheney was Secretary of Defense. I wouldn't want to be in the same room with her, that thing gotta stank.

    - Badtux the Nose-holdin' Penguin

  4. It was fun writing a song parody about Ann Coulter (http://pickwaynesbrain.wordpress.com/2010/01/01/coulter/), and I almost wish she would open her mouth on camera and say something else incredibly racist or insensitive or ignorant, just so I'd have an excuse to write about her again.

    As I said in the song, I wonder why her e-mail address is tom@anncoulter.com? I am not making that up.
