
How Stupid Is Our Prez?

bama says this about Gbagbo in the Ivory Coast.

Yup everyone knows that and went on to say -

No shit Cisco. Can't you tell us something we don't know and blowing smoke out your ass is not going to do squat! And this country and this president has no tools at it's disposal to help? Bullshit!

We/us can't take on a bunch of small boys and get this man out of the country? Double bullshit!! 

If it were cruise missiles we'd be real good with that. Bang bang shoot shoot fuck all of you!


  1. I gather there's no oil to be had in the Ivory Coast.

  2. I hear that Fearguth but the quick answer to that is that there probably is. They got it in Nigeria,Ghana and The IC is a few miles down the road. The time is not right I suppose. I guess rich froggy's will not be visiting their jewel for some time.

  3. Referring to your title question: I don't get riled up about his stupidity, as he's probably fairly intelligent, what I am Very pissed about, is how stupid he thinks We are. THAT riles me.I voted for this man and what he said he believed in and would accomplish, based on his grandiose, feel-good, manipulative lies. I feel used. And that doesn't feel good. I'm going to follow George Carlin into opting out of the entire political system. I'm tired, worn down by the bullshit.

  4. Of course he's extremely intelligent and I agree with you completely.For some time I thought there were many who think like we do and like many of the bloggers I read. Maybe 20% but anymore I think it's much less. I am very close to doing the Carlin thing. It would not surprise me to hear from democrats soon.

    Why are those libruls and progressives so angry.

  5. I fully agree with your title about the President. He cannot solve any of America's ailing problems, so he turns to other countries asking their presidents to step down, and so creating chaos and destruction everywhere. His voters should remind him that "charity begins at home".

  6. The problem here is that if there's oil the right wants him to step in bomb the hell out of them. If there's no oil the left wants him to step in and bomb the hell out of them. Why can't we mind our own fucking business and stay out of all these places?

  7. The thing is, his lemming supporters will blame us if he losses to Palin or some other righty. Perhaps even to a birther. It's our fault the Great Appeaser may loose. I see it all over the blogs. We're called names because we descent. How dare we not be like Bush's followers who saw nothing while he was in office. Yes we are the winey bastards. I like to think we're the truth tellers and not the hypocrites they are.

  8. Good stuff everyone! Thank you for that.
