
Nam Style Love Story

Do not misunderstand - I'm happy that these two people found each other and may their love last forever through numerous redeployment's. However the way their relationship is framed in respect to this country's involvement in Afghanistan is wrong and total bullshit and I will never agree to terms such as this used in articles about our second war front. Such as -

We have learned nothing but of course that's where we are at as a country and war is our game we love to play.


  1. At least they're marrying each other and not spreading the bullshit around. Sorry, I'm feeling pretty down about the whole shebang this morning... Beautiful photo on your header though. Thank you for that.

  2. Glad you liked that!This was taken just a little over two weeks ago in the lounge where there are a lot of windows. We can have tomatoes most of the winter.

    But the sheep read it and then as always good can come out of something bad thus it all becomes good and nobody says no to more war. Tomorrow many will hear why our 4th war front is a good one. Not me.

  3. Ah yes, the sheeple.

    Came back to check out your music pics. I'm a huge Bruce Cockburn fan, have blogged about him before. "FWIW" by BS is in my top ten faves of all time... Thanks for the great videos.

  4. Protesters made the difference before and now it's only the baggers that can turn out the numbers.
    according to BWMedia. Where are the artists now?

    And we can add another to that list
