
Nuclear Future Here In Jeopardy?

Don't waste your time even for a second thinking it is because it's not. The powers that be and those that would benefit from the construction of new plants are laughing their asses off at those who think the dangers that this type of energy poses will stop the future of building numerous plants. That they are because they know they hold all the cards. Corporations and a bought off government will not be denied no matter how bad it gets over there.

Here's our bud Lieberwhore -
New York Times: After Japan's earthquake and subsequent problems with its nuclear power plants, the US is reexamining its position on nuclear power. Until this past weekend, President Obama, mainstream environmental groups, and large numbers of Republicans and Democrats in Congress agreed that nuclear power offered a steady energy source and part of the solution to climate change, even as they disagreed on virtually every other aspect of energy policy, writes John Broder for the New York Times. “I think it calls on us here in the US, naturally, not to stop building nuclear power plants but to put the brakes on right now until we understand the ramifications of what’s happened in Japan,” said Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT), one of the Senate’s leading voices on energy, on CBS’s Face the Nation.


  1. The vandals won't be satisfied until the entire ecosphere has been rendered uninhabitable by our kind.

  2. This will make them scream "drill baby drill".
    More natural gas fracking for the new bridge fuel will be called for.
    Shale will now be on the priority list also.
    Anything, and everything that we can do to slowly kill this planet will be done.
    20% of our energy comes from nuclear plants.
    They will not shut these down.
    I agree they will build more and more.
    until there is no more.
