
Presidential Nutter Hopefuls Draw 2000

Yup they scurried and slithered from everywhere to attend and see who could outdo the other with even more of the same bizarre nonsense. Here's Herman who's shitty pizza will never grace my table .

And good 'ol former dim Butty Roemer

Former Louisiana Gov. Butty Roemer described the national debt as a mountain on the chests and hopes of our grandchildren. He quoted Proverbs out his ass.

Hack hack ! Can't take anymore but they do love them their bullshit back in the cornfield.


  1. I like the King James Version of the passage in Proverbs Roemer quoted: "Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase." I'm sure this quotation is hanging on the wall in David Koch's Long Island mansion.

  2. How about: Cast not your pearls before swine.

    Obviously the swine prefer the shit cast out by these guys and gals.

  3. You two have been places I have no clue about but I believe you.

  4. "America is under attack.[We are always under attack according to these people]
    We are fighting back with our faith [faith is strong and good yet you faith in what and who]

    and we are fighting back with our freedom to fight back,[WTF]

    " said Herman Cain, former CEO of Godfather's Pizza. Cain laid out his three guiding principles: do the right thing [good idea],

    we need to move from an entitlement society [who is entitles]

    to an empowered society,[who's empowered, not unions]

    and it's not about us,[it's about the chilfren?] but rather future generations.[white males]

    Fixed it for ya!

  5. You certainly did my friend! All is right with the world now.
