
Texas Can't Be Serious But It Sure Is

It's difficult to understand for me how people can be like this. We all know what has been said from the right and believers on whatever subject it might be. This is a bit different as it forces colleges to conduct research into intelligent design for dumb shits.

The Empire continues it's decline.


  1. Texas leads the country on dumbfucks.

    Love the new look OF. Love that header photo too!

  2. I can see why some of these guys would be so motivated to ban discrimination against the grossly ignorant. On the other hand, they're just making laughing-stocks of themselves.

    Next up: a ban on discrimination against sex researchers who support the "stork theory". Teach the controversy!

  3. Sue, are you familiar with our Creation Museum and the coming- soon Arkpark here in my beautiful Kentucky? I believe we can compete with anybody in the realm of ignorance.

  4. PZ Myers has been hammering on the fellow behind this, Cletis. It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.

  5. True believers never give up. The rest of the population don't understand the damage they do until it's too late.

  6. This is just plain crazy all of it but at this time Amerika is getting what it wants and deserves.

    All together now let's get even dumber and wave the flag to represent just how proud of teh stupid we really are.

    hack hack

  7. Texas has its own brand of state politics. Its legislature meets rather briefly every-other-year, as I understand it. TONS of bills are introduced; few actually make it. Seems like there's a lot of politicking behind the process. This one smells like grand-standing to me.

  8. Yes there's a stench but it's given credibility where there's is none.
