
Two Senawhores Worried Bout Da Troops

Yes they are and they're concerned about them being able to shoot straight and being able to kill as ordered. It's the spice you see that's the issue. Once they get to the bottom of this the troops can go back to being plain 'ol drunks. Now that's the Amerikan way.
In a letter sent Tuesday to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Sens. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, and Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., expressed particular concern over high-profile spice busts who say that the products “pose a risk to the operational readiness of our armed forces.”

OTC says get rid of 75% of the military and the spice problem is solved.


  1. REALLY?!? Assley and DINO Feinstein, whose husband makes a killing from every killing? Give me a f'ing break already.

  2. Until they decide to market Spice under Big Pharma. And make a killing the old fashioned way. $$$.

  3. You see - we should be in charge!
