
I Think I Could Live Here


  1. Is that a yurt? I have always wanted to live in one. I love cave-like rooms, pared down to the essentials. Is that near Monument Valley or Valley of the Gods, or? Blue sky and red rock, always a beautiful combo.

  2. Morning Teresa.

    An investigation was done as to where this structure is at and the closest determination that can be had is that this is somewhere for sure now-between Hovenweep and Canyon de Chelly.

    It's nor a yurt. I just thought they are a new style hogan. They are common.

    Take a second and check this link out to snow pack info that Russ left that you/me and many have to face coming very shortly.


  3. Man, that's some fancy digs. They have that new-fangled grid electricity stuff.

    Some of the places I've been are so off-the-grid that the only power they have is power they make themselves with windmills, solar panels, and/or generators. Was at one tiny little store out in the desert, sitting on the front porch drinking a cold soda from their cooler, wandered back into the store and looked through a door, there was the batteries to the solar panel array on their roof. Nearest grid wires were about 50 miles away...
