
Then And Now 40 Years Ago

Looking around for the post below this one came across a quote from a icon of the world who was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War and paid a huge price for the stance he took. We need dozens like him now but this is about something else and reading his quote from four decades ago it appears not all that much has changed.

His short quips were some of the most powerful ever said by anyone.


  1. Ali and Yogi Berra are probably the leaders in the world of sports, at least among English-speakers.

  2. Dude, you gotta watch this. It's a beautiful quiet movie.

    The Beautiful Country.

    The first man that asked me to marry him was Vietnamese.

  3. I will watch this tonight. Thank you for that Nunya and I can tell I am going to like this.

    How many times were you asked ma dear? Just curious.

  4. One Fly, thanks for dropping around today. I just noticed a very angry liberal, who thought you were serious in tyour comment this morning, was a bit put out. He's a very bright guy. I comment with him on TP and I'll try to get the truth out to him. Hilarios how life comes at us somedays. By the way, would you like to repost the pledge I have up today? Stay well.

  5. I agree. I have always been a big fan of The Champ. I stopped watching boxing when he left the arena. Smart guy, stood up for what he believed in.
