
This Ain't Right


  1. I adore your header today sweet man. In the post pic...did someone deface the ruins?

  2. That's in Canyon de Chelly Dusty and yes there was some vandalism but also repair. These people who did this work did not just conjure up these images.

  3. Native Americans have long spoken and written of being visited by "star people." These are very compelling evidence for such visits. Beautiful rock art. I'm glad you got to Canyon de Chelly. Looks like you had fun!

  4. This is at Sego Canyon Teresa. I wish they would come back. After being away I'm confused when I return. I may remain confused on purpose.

  5. I know that feeling. A kind of culture shock. Life feels better in the canyons, stripped down to what really matters. LOVE that header photo. I can just feel what it's like to walk in that sand at the moment of discovery. How does that song go? "I ain't never had too much fun."

  6. It is just that. I wish I would have gotten rid of the foot prints but didn't see them. I did have fun and need to make a post this morning. If you remember the song tell me please.
