
Oh They're Sooo Cute

And they were. Was not very close but there should be other chances. Do not be deceived with the sun seen with the flower picture or the last one out the window early yesterday morning. It was a real crappy day and this morning is worse and the day will be as well. If there's a good thing about it it's that there's no snow on the ground - - - yet. There isn't a person who lives here who isn't in a foul mood.


  1. A mama bear and her cubs, something you don't want to get between. They do look so cute following after MaMa. I talked to my brother in Pueblo last night and he said the mountains look like they're going to get it... again.

  2. It snowed night before last and the sun finally came out for a bit in the afternoon yesterday. It eventually got up to above 50 and is overcast and sprinkling this morning.

    200% of normal for the snowpack and it still remains up there.
