
Dopers In Da Boat Make The WSJ

That's the perception presented in my opinion anyway. The linked to article is fairly decent but the so called doktor Kelly in the video and print has problems and that was found out in comment threads locally. The numbers are actually fairly startling across the state for businesses allowed and then forced to shut down with no compensation.

This effort to ban these businesses was calculated and planned across the state. This was not done in these localities by groups of concerned residents/citizens because the fabric of their local community was being ripped apart by people smoking MM who had always been smoking it anyway. The badges were involved as well and this was done behind closed doors by the right. And it works real good. From the WSJ.

Down the road a bit a legal grower was recently arrested and charged with DUID. These numbers are up because the badges made them go up. This man was targeted make no mistake about that.


  1. I gotta agree with the old left hander. This is just a good way to fuck somebody out of $800.00. Most, if not all DUID cases get thrown out of court because you can't prove when the MM had beed smoked.

  2. With Breatholyzers and speed guns cops have to do a little work to get the reading they want. No machines for DUID makes any old lie make their case. I would think they would love the prospect of more stoners.

  3. You'd think but of course the badges will never do that I mean after all it's pot.

    Pot smokers legal or not do not kill people driving.

    BOOZERS DO day In and day out. It's the Amerikan way ya see.

  4. Fly, here in Ky. we have the perfect soil for growing hemp but nooooooooooo wayyyyyyyyy says the establishment even though many farmers want desperately to raise the crop. We prefer Ark Parks and Creation Museums. Oy Vey!

  5. It gets depressing Cletis that on most issues there can not be even a discussion let alone positive action that is so sorely needed.

    I know about those things in Cantucee. Amerika is proud to denounce science and mathmatics. The Ark I just found out about and I just do not read shit like this. I had to chew out a cousin for sending me winger shit. He has hurt feeling now and will be another one of many who no longer interact in any way with me.
