
War Whore bama

1. to go out of or away from, as a place: to leave
2.  to depart from permanently; quit: to leave a job

Sacks of Shit
Politicians who say one thing and do something other
Lying Sacks of Shit
Most politicians when it comes to war and bama is at the top of the pile.

There is no -  repeat no respect for this man. Been pretty nice around here but when it comes to wars and lies outrage trumps all. Fuck bama and the bush he rode in on!

Will the left ever get it? All we get from liars like bama is never ending war. So many on the left kissed his ass and still are. The piss ant little positive things done by this man mean squat or even less when it comes to war that never ends. 

No money for nothing and when they want some they come to us. Funds for war you betcha. We are so screwed and I will never vote for this bastard who loves war. He is a liar like all the rest. One more time it needs to be said. FUCK bAMA.


  1. Obama is bought and paid for by the war machine and those who run it. I guess they told him how it would be when he took office and he complied and that is as generous as I can be toward him.

  2. BABY!!!

    You are so right.

    And I've been saying it at my site for a very time now.

    I think the crowd is building.

    Love ya,


  3. Bama said when he was running for office that he was gonna escalate the war in Afghanisnam. Sure enough, he has. Should we be blasting him for keeping his campaign promise?

    Note that the war issue is why I didn't vote for Obama in the primaries. It was clear he was *not* running as a peacenik and indeed wasn't one, all ya had to do was read his very own web site to know that, or look at his own video clips on YouTube (famous one, regarding the Iraq war: "I'm not against war, I'm just against *dumb* wars"). But who was I supposed to vote for in the finals, if not for Obama? John McInsane, who promised to bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Eye-ran? (Sung to the tune of "Barbarara Ann", no less?)

    - Badtux the "We got what was promised" Penguin

  4. "We got what was promised"

    That we did Tux just sure as hell. The numbers are an insult along with the time frame of 012 to get down to the number before the surge. bama said he was going to surge too and he did.

    I'm just so tired of never ending war.

    I guess too that leaving doesn't mean sticking around for years at least not to me.

    The mood about this war is such he could have said 50k would be gone at the end of the year. No issues but of course that's not going to happen.

    And I will admit calling bama a liar on this issue is a stretch.

    Just another powerful man who does not care about we the people and insures corporations survive nicely with plenty bullets needing to be made.

  5. Afghanistan is a shitty little war. It was started by one shitty little man and it continues thanks to another shitty little man. And the only ones lined up behind either side are more shitty little men.

  6. wish I would have said that.

  7. How in the EFF can any true liberal still back this war of choice president.
    He is putting W to shame when it comes to war mongering.

  8. Well, RZ, Zerobama has been lucky in his choice of opponents. Yeah, he sucks, but his opponents suck even worse. In the upcoming race, it's going to be Zerobama against Crazy White and the Seven Dwarfs (Dopey, Dopey, Crazy Eyes, Dopey, Dopey, Gold Standard, and Dopey). Uhm, no. Just no. Are *you* gonna vote for Crazy White if she wins the GOP nomination? 'Cause I sure ain't!

    In the primary I'm going to vote for Anybody But Obama, even though Obama is going to win the Democratic nomination by a landslide. But when the final election comes... it's gonna be like John McInsane against Obama all over again, one of those hold-yer-nose and vote for the sane adult (as vs the insane ranting lunatic). SIiiiiiigh!

    - Badtux the Practical Penguin

  9. I wroote him off in 2007 because of his pandering to the right wing (oh yes, he did. Search "Barack Is Written Off" in Plutocrap.) And then, I allowed myself to believe maybe I was being too hard on the guy.

    F___ me, I wasn't. I should have voted for Hill; she, at least, would have been willing to battle the wingers.

  10. Bad Tux:
    It is the same old dog and pony show.
    Voting for the worst of two evils.
    This is why the Corptocracy wins.
    They make you believe that you are important.
    The voting booth is the opiate for the masses.
    They [the powers that be] select, so that you may elect.
    They are all one in the same.
    When will the dems understand this.
    O is not a dem.
    He is a Corporatistic war of choice president that is feeding the MIC beast.

  11. Jolly:
    Shillary is a Neoliberal war mongering shill.
    She is an uber globalist.

    It is high time for the left to admit that the democratic party no longer represents them.
