
The Water She Rising

Runoff has begun and minor flooding is happening around the area.

From just a bit ago.

Fairly heavy frosts the last two mornings.


  1. Is springtime in the Rockies always so slow in coming, or is this real unusual?

    Where is the grotto? Nice crystalline structures there....

  2. WOW!!! Look at that water! Estes Park reported the worst snow situation in 30 years...same in Steamboat?

  3. It's been an unusually long and wet winter in the northwest corner of the country, Teresa E. The Columbia River has been getting near flood level for the past week or two, and Washington's snow pack is about twice normal.

    It looks like the rest of country is roasting already, but we're just seeing the first real spring weather in the Seattle area.

  4. It's pretty much what Cujo says. 250 SE and it's a drought. $5 west in Craig there's a fair amount of water over the banks. It's the same river as in the video. The Yampa.

    Everything about this winter and this spring is a record setter.

    The Grotto is a couple hundred more or less directly south from where you are at Teresa. I have to do a post about that sooner than later. Wiki it and there's a video that is just the best at the bottom.

  5. I forgot that you had some great images of that place. Thanks for the reminder!retio
