
White Trash Killing Bears As Always

It's humans who cause these deaths because they are stupid. I hate to see the animals put down because of dumb ass humans.

Nevada Division of Wildlife biologist Carl Lackey says the older female bear was put down on Friday near Holbrook. He says someone had been feeding it table scraps.  LINK

I stand by this post from 7/19/08. Beaver Creek is in the Vail valley and is where the richest of the rich hang out.

Beaver Creek White Trash Causing Bears To Be Killed

“The bears go where the trash is,” Hampton said. “And the trash is in Beaver Creek.”

They knocked this sonofabitch clear outta the ballpark. Yea bears go after trash that's a given. It's the super rich elitist white trash that has all the fucking money in the world that do not adhere to the rules and do not buy bear proof containers that are the cause for these bears demise. I say let the bears stay and get rid of the white trash and both problems go away.


  1. It makes me so sad every time I hear of this kind of killing. I realize why the bears do it..to survive.

    But the people? Because they are fucking lazy and/or cheapass sons of bitches.

    Makes me sick to my stomach.

  2. Oh, and another grand header image m'dear friend! ;)

  3. Simply makes me sick... I have no tolerance for this kind of people. None/Zip!!!

  4. I remembered that post and it was easy to poke fun and it's more true than not. Here they have baited bears and did whatever to them. That pissed me off because the people who live in the neighborhood left their kitchen windows open and had taken a fresh baked pie out of ze oven to cool. Then they complained.

    And that's no shit.

  5. Glad you like that Dusty. It will be different taking pictures here. It is so dry there but I found some dragon fly's close to this and after spending a bunch of time I came away with maybe two half ass pictures. The blue was the dominate color but I think they are different than the blue ones here as the blue seemed to be much more vibrant. I love these things but it can be frustrating.

    It's supposed to be fun damn it - and it is!

  6. The Bears were there long before those rich fucks were damn it. She probably had babies somewhere too, whjich makes it even more heinous.

  7. I hope you enjoy your photography as I love coming here just to see what you put up as a header. You are one awesome photographer OF. ;)
