
Outta Here

West but north too this time. I have nothing except that I've linked to a place that like a lot.

Old Jules puts great stuff up at So Far From Heaven.

And Fluffy's Friday Story is so good this week. I'm beginning to look forward to Friday's just because of these stories. Both of these places are worth a look if you have a moment or two.

I'm not sure what lies out there this time but I need to revisit this particular place as I will not be getting back in this area or here for that matter maybe forever after I move. Have a fun and safe weekend weekend. It always needs to be said - that I appreciate you coming here to visit.


  1. Hi Fly: Thanks for the kind words plugging the blog. My scribblings don't get many visitors, but the day you posted this and the next day after the number of visitors doubled.

    People read you and respect your opinions.

    Thanks amigo

  2. You're welcome Jules-others did it for me.

    As for the other thing-well there's few left who speak to me and that's kinda the way it is. Skip 2 Colorado and I go round on this as to why because the same has happened to her as well.

    Giv'em hell and don't take no shit!
