
Maybell Tops Itself Once Again

Guess you just can't go wrong with the good old standbys of really shitty humor that's gonna not pack 'em in.

This is a triple yikes and a couple ouchys as well.


  1. Now that I have a new phone that takes pics...and, I figured that part out, I should start taking some pictures of some of these. Some great ones here in the good ole mid west. Har Har Har...

  2. I just find these so corny. Maybell gets picked on and it's not a vendetta only that it's convenient. I suppose if they saw these they would feel insulted and be mad at me. I'm okay with that.

    It's funny damn it.

    har har har!

  3. I can see the road and the fence so what is the answer to that question?

  4. You can get that answer if you go to "his" place ya see.
