
Our Guvmint Killing Their Own Soldiers

And they don't care not even a little bit!

If you have not seen this or are unaware of the suicide of this soldier who was redeployed to bama's Afghanny war front eight times at least then maybe you should watch his wife tell his story.

How this women holds it together is a mystery.

I despise the people that do these things to others and our government who votes continually for perpetual war.

May the killing soon stop because the people demanded it! 


  1. Suicide guy must have liked being in the military better than he liked living and not being in the military is all I can figure. Otherwise he wouldn't have signed up in the first place and wouldn't have kept signing up, then offed himself to get out instead of just not signing up again the last time.

    One of the ways a person can keep from going to Afghan or Iraq or BongoBongoland is not to join the military. A person who joins it needs to be advised he might have to go somewhere he'd rather not go.

  2. I don't think you watched the video. It is long. PTSD is a hideous thing to have and certainly a person who has it is not thinking normally.

    This man was crying out for help for a long time and he got screwed by everyone in the military.

    This is not his fault.

  3. I agree One Fly. There are a lot of young men who really think that going into the military will help the country. One of our local farm kids did that. His intentions were very good. Reality caught up with him in Afghanistan, though, when one of his fellow soldiers kept trying to kill him. He still wasn't disillusioned, though, until his military "superiors" refused to deal with the problem and threatened to punish HIM instead. To his credit, he just quit and came home. You could probably question his motives, too, if you didn't know the kid like we all do. His story sure stopped the other local kids from joining.

  4. I glad he survived Jan and also happy with the other result.

    "His story sure stopped the other local kids from joining."

  5. Anon
    Perhaps you are not aware of how the military works.
    Perhaps you did not watch the video.

    Thanks for posting this.
    I wish every one would see this.

    The Masters of War are sending our kids to protect the multinational corps interests over seas.

    Our kids shed their blood sweat and tears for their bottom line.

    We are now Murder Inc.
