
A Pack Of Lies

The internets weren't working well last night and hardly at all this morning. Last evening I was reminded of this man and how he came here to defend himself from a "pack of lies". Not one of our side learned a thing from this defender of truth and reality.

These people on the right lie from the time they get up in the morning till they turn in at night and our side is nicey nicey to them and they are allowed to continue at will to this day..

Thanks George !! If only our side was smart enough and had the will to defend the truth like you did.

Bloggers I link to and many others know this but the sheep who listen to our whore media will bleat for more from these liars. Saw this post about the Texass good hair slug on how he's only going to appoint nutters to his cabinet if appointed prez.. Well no shit! This is not news and not worthy of wasting even a second to look at. Why? Because this is what these crazy loons plan on doing. Everyone of them.What's there to discuss. Move on and fight these fuckers instead of wasting time with the dumb ass shit they bring up.


  1. McKonkie ranch outside of Vernal Jules. These people have been so kind for years to allow the public onto their property. It's amazing what is there.

    I call these round heads and there's another that is even more strange to me.

    These people saw these things. There is no doubt in my mind about that.

    Thanks for the visit!

  2. Hell of a vid! Thanks.

  3. Galloway is the man.
    I am going to steal one of these videos. :-)

  4. I made a special trip back this spring TMoon because when I looked at the pictures I did not remember seeing these and wanted to make sure I did not miss anything. I did not but again I find these amazing. I will put the other round head up tomorrow. Glad you liked it.

  5. Exploitation of bigots and idiots is a tried and true republican tenet.

    The bigot at work can spout the right wing bullshit about illegal immigrants and blacks and Obama verbatim. But he can't do simple math.
