
Grand Junction Nutters Love Their Dishonered Commanders

That they do and in this case it's Navy Capt. Owen Honors who had his ass kicked off the bridge of the carrier Enterprise for making movies that included anti-gay slurs and simulated masturbation.

Did that bother anyone out there in Nutter Junction? Hell no.

In act they prayed and cheered and waved their flags with even more gusto.

Honors lied his ass off when he said "I'm not anti-gay. I'm an inclusionist," he said. "I could care less if you are gay or straight or black or white."

And the crowd of nutters bleated even louder. 

From a couple years ago - Out Flagged in Junction


  1. Did he wear his shower cap and masturbate for them?

  2. No the crowd of admirer's wore theirs.
    I think it's a lot like Texas out there. It's a different breed of cat for sure.
