
Repug Twit Wants Peace Corps Out Of China

Oh mercy - the yellow ones are being taught English the universal language. There must be demands made to bama to get them out now!

The Peace Corps has always played a teaching role wherever they are and it's just that simple.

Ya know it's kinda like fostering friendships and relationships between people and country's instead of invading and killing.

Peace monkey!


  1. You put it very well : teaching the language/culture and fostering friendship ties, instead of invading and killing.

    This is what the americans and others should do in a foreign country, sort of "Make love not War".

  2. Hi Duta-always enjoy your contribution!! Thanks.

    I made a comment on the article at the post and got hammered by several. There are so many imbeciles who live here I tell you.

    We have become a nation of hater/bigots and war mongers.

    911 is coming and the assine patriotic bull shit has been ongoing for the last few weeks.

    I will not wave the flag that now only represents those things I just wrote -never!

  3. A lot better than them sending missionaries over here to teach us Mandarin.
