
So If They Can Do This

If this is true then I have a huge issue with all of it. Or is this a down town Yorker trying to be funny. I played golf with a fellow who grew up on Long Island just last Thursday. What an asshole!

The New York Police Department could take down a plane if necessary, Commissioner Ray Kelly said Sunday

You do not shoot down airliners with popguns street cops and swat teams carry and certainly even if you can bring a plane down over a populated area like NYC. That means missiles possibly?

I'm not sure what to think but if it's true then there needs to be a sit down and discussion about this.

I don't give a shit what city it is I do not want any to have weapons capable of doing so. What weapons do they have in their arsenal for ground attacks that also can be used against you and I.

I think he's a liar but just in case bama needs to check this out. WRONG - bama's on their side. He'll never give up one of his buds.

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