
The Three Imbeciles On Iraq Troop Withdrawal

I think you three peckerheads should go on a walkabout in and around Fallugah and check them gains out - otay?

Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., issued a statement Tuesday that they were "deeply troubled" about the drawdown level. "This is dramatically lower than what our military leaders have consistently told us over the course of repeated visits to Iraq that they require, and that is needed to support Iraq in safeguarding the hard-won gains that our two nations have achieved at such great cost," they said in the statement obtained by NBC News.


  1. I suppose I shouldn't be laughing so hard, but sometimes the funniest things are the most absurd and these three pansy asses telling us they're deeply troubled by the drawdown evokes the same thought from me. I think a walkabout in Fallujah is a very good idea. Envisioning Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman in an Iraq walkabout does my heart good. McCain should just know better.

  2. I guess we always have to remember that almost every elected person in our national guvmit speak ONLY for the corporations and they are no more than shills for that purpose. They serve no purpose for "we the people" at all. I gave up on McCain long ago. He got a pass on much becaue of all the blows to the head he took. Not anymore.

    I will be over to your place but I'm dealing with a learning curve with this new Mac and member I was born in a cornfield.

    I working on a post about the Two -Bar ranch in Browns park. I was up there again. That's where Ann Bassett's first hubby Hi Bernard worked. Found out some other things too.

    Two days of no sun and 1.3" yesterday and last night. That's huge for here.

    Thanks T!

  3. Back in the day, they were called 'Stooges'. Now they're called 'Senators'. Sheesh!

  4. Why any one listens to these clowns is beyond me.
    They are totally null and void.
    They were proven wrong on everything that they have advocated.
    Mc-Insane offends me the most.
    No, No, wait.
    Lieberman takes the cake.
    No Graham is nuttier than both of them.
    Together they make the perfect fruit cake.
    Lets see all three walk through Fallujah UNescorted.

  5. The Stooges are just mouthpieces for the Pentagon generals who want to continue the Imperial Presence in Iraq as part of their continuing Quest for Glory. The Merchants of Death f/k/a The MIC don't care so much since they can still sell their "goods" through their Sales Dept.

  6. Mighty easy to talk tough when you don't have a care in the world.
