
Yup We're Crave'in Bacon

It's true - the whole crew wants bacon. Personally I've been craving bacon on a regular basis ever since last October when out in Utah we fixed this bacon that made the whole campsite reek all through the night. It was soooo good. I dont eat that much of it but every once in awhile gotta have some.

So I asked the crew and they're serious about da bacon as well. Andy didn't think 3lbs was enough because it's good cold too. So four pounds it is.

Sean is picking up this bacon he says is the best along with donuts. Timmy is bringing orange juice. I'm going in early to start cooking and when it's done everyone is going to have a smile on there face. This crew is the best ever I tell you. 

Tara is coming to take me to lunch at 11:30.

Caddyshack bacon and a free lunch on a beautiful fall day in the Rocky Mountains. Yup it don't get much better.


  1. Sounds nice. I had a craving for bacon this summer and must have eaten BLT's every day for a week. Every once in awhile nothing else will do.

    Enjoy that bacon and your lunch!

  2. OJ instead of fresh squeezed apple juice at this time of the year?

  3. Well Mont we do have an apple tree and the apples taste pretty good. There are more than ever before. They're not very big but it's no bad for growing out of a rock.

  4. Not very big ones are best, not too much water so the juice in the apple isn't diluted.

  5. I could dine with a republican if bacon were being served.
