
Change Happened

Plus was visited by three of these guys. There is nothing right now here for them and they are allowed to pass freely. Much of this snow will be gone by the end of the day and for sure tomorrow. Already above freezing and will make 60 tomorrow. We needed this as many do!


  1. No snow here yet, but probably soon. It is a tad chilly. That coyote is coming close, isn't he? I suppose that's his terrain... :) Love the train!

  2. You're gonna get yours real soon TE and when it gets there you probably gonna keep it till spring. YIKES!

    I have not figured these trains out as they as most are going towards the north. haven't come up with a decent train track map.

  3. Is that a wolf or a fox in the post picture?

    As a city boy, I have seen neither in person.

    Yes, I miss the snow. As much as I bitched and moaned about it I miss the change of seasons and can't wait to get back to them.

    Especially, the beautiful fall colors.

  4. It's a coyote Christopher. Cities are fine but it's good to get out in the country now and then. I bet you'd like it more. My buddy who had been living just off the strip in hollywood spent the summer and is still there back in da boat said the biggest adjustment for him was there was no noise and it was very quite.

  5. That Silence Is Evoked Well In Your Photo........Snow Itself Has A Calming Quiet About It,Non?

  6. Unless it's a driving blizzard for a couple days Tony or - - - when about 15 years ago in the course of 24 hours it dumped 60+ inches in a record setting dump. Took three days to get out. Luckily the electricity stayed on and the wind never blew.

    Other than shit like that to many snow has a magic about it. Not for me.
