
Grotto Sunday

Giving it up here because I think it's good stuff. Not my stuff but this short video. The rest of this is over at the picture place. This is the very part of the cornfield I grew up in and this place was a playground and not a shrine ever to me to this day. Shows how much one crazy ass German can get done. No matter where you stand something like this is so cool.

           The cornfield itself.

You may have seen this before. A one of  a kind we called "The Petrified Pots" because it's made of petrified wood.

    The whole thing is like this.


  1. I left a comment over at your picture place, but I will just repeat this: there are all kinds of ways to finding grace in this old world. This one's a bit too dogmatic for me, but the images when they stand alone are quite beautiful. I can imagine what a great place it was to hang out when you were a kid and great photo opps.

  2. Hey, Is it true Charlie got laid in there? That is the rumor circulating in WestBend.
