
Student Loan Amount Surpasses What Is Owed On Credit Cards

You betcha - it takes a bunch to get a college edukation here in the US. But if you want to learn how to kill not so much.  As with credit card debt those in the District of Whores made sure the debtors would not go free.

Another example of an Empire in a steep decline. And the blind sheep bleat for more reality on the tube. The amount is a trillion the amount the bankers got not that long ago. Of course the ones that profited from that have made sure no little guy never will.


  1. My older son owes student loans and I had no idea what a scam they are and how little oversight there is. And yes, no one can default or declare bankruptcy against them. They also don't guarantee employment as they once might have. It's a national crisis and a national shame. A bigger part of the horrific mess we're in than people realize.

  2. Better framed than I Teresa and explains just how deep were in what ever it is one wants to call it.

    People do not like to hear the negative but the fact and reality of the matter is if anyone thinks those in the DOW's will make the changes needed to correct the inequities would be totally wrong.

    Thank you!

  3. I don't see the problem, the prof's need paid and the football team needs new shoes. Ya take out a loan, you repay it.

  4. To Anonymous: the football team needs new shoes? That's what people are paying tuition for? Sheesh. No wonder the system is screwed up.
