
Droneing On With More Lies

In respect to the drone that is in the Iranians hands the official says -

Yup - that takes care of that! Next -

A U.S. official says Iran will find it hard to exploit any data and technology aboard the captured CIA stealth drone because of measures taken to limit the intelligence value of drones operating over hostile territory.

You lying sacks of shit. Iran says up to a dozen have been brought down. And since "One American analyst ridiculed Iran’s capability, telling Defense News that the loss was “like dropping a Ferrari into an ox-cart technology culture.” is the mentality that our Empire has is exactly why we will never win if there anything to win at all.

I'm sick and tired of having to believe the bad guys more than my own in matters such as this.


  1. Yeah, Iran isn't a country without a class of highly trained scientists. I'm sure that they will be able to reverse engineer quite a bit from the drone.

  2. Governments lie, but ours seems to be lying more than necessary.

  3. It's too much as has been for years. I/we are not wrong. I say these examples are pure lies. Or am I wrong? Please help me out here. And I mean total lies.

  4. After getting to know a couple of Iranians I don't trust ANYTHING either governments say about each other.

  5. The biggest liar always wins.

    And you know who that is.

    Love ya!

    Shovel much yet?


  6. Not so much. It's pretty nice out. In two days it will be better.
