
And The Common Denominator Is - -

Over in Afghanistan you have daddy killing his wife who gave birth to their third daughter. He strangled her and the kicker is her mother helped strangle her daughter as well. Link

Here you have people who murder doctors and fire bomb clinics that provide family planning services to women who have the right to choose what's best for them and their health. You have politicians whose greatest joy would be to make this illegal and turn women and doctors who provide abortion services into murderers.

This is all done by religiously insane human beings in different parts of the world. This country loathes those over there but the reality is that we are no different than them. Empires think like that.

We are in deep shit!


  1. It bothers me that we have many doctors in our country who were born and trained in countries where it's okay to kill girl babies. Meanwhile, our own kids can't get into medical school or nurses training even if their grades are perfect because there is no room for them. I was in the hospital once (in Sacramento) where there was a doctor from Pakistan. When I questioned his "advice" he said, "I am the doctor and you must do what I say." There really are problems when culture and religion intermingle to an extreme. So what do we do about it?

  2. First thanks for that comment Jan. I do believe in conversation and discussions that lead to common ground based on several simple criteria such as facts,reality and common sense.

    There is no possibility at this time in this country to have conversations like that we need so badly. Not sure if it can happen even severals year from now if ever.

  3. Let's be clear.

    Afghanistan is a Muslim nation and in Muslim nations, men withhold food from their wives if they don't have sex with them.

    They also kill gay men. Gay men are stoned, hung, and shot.

    This is true in Iran, Iraq, Yemen and Somalia too. So much for Islam being a religion of peace.

  4. jeebus preaches peace too but we kill at will with the best of them.
