
One Of Our Wars Rages Locally

All of this I'm sure in preparation for the probable upcoming vote in November on the legalization of marijuana in Colorado.

Commandeer Dick Head Peters of the North Metro Drug Task Force lies out his ass when he upchucks this - "We continue to see that Colorado has become a source state for the country,"

It is so hard to win the good fights when the liars take center stage with the media at all levels. bama escalated the feds involvement here after he lied and told them to back off.

Can you imagine what it must have been like around these 25 homes and what these people were treated like?

Nobody says boo about this or the dead continuing to pile up in Afghanistan but we sure as hell need to take care of this Social Security issue among many other benefits for the 1%.



  1. America's war on marijuana.

    Brought to you courtesy of the alcohol lobby, who doesn't want the American people to alter their state of mind with anything other than beer or wine.

  2. And it's not gonna change. They may let you think it can be changed but it's just a diversion and years go by why the game is played and the 1% swills cognac and laughs their asses off.
