
Living The Nonsense

Turned around to take this because it was too asinine to pass up.


  1. People who really know their Bible would never put up a sign like this. The Parousia (or Second Coming) was something Jesus' disciples and the first Christians devoutly hoped for.

  2. b b b b but they believe so hard they must be correct.

    1. For some reason, I've had a hard time posting comments on your blog. It's probably something I've done on my puter??? Anyway, loved yesterday's blog about the gravy. I can relate...last fall, we drove all the way, out of our way, to go to Durango for a Green Chili Hamburger!!! hahaha... The first thing I'm going to say about today's post is that I find it sooo offensive when people put words their in gods mouth. Oooh gosh...I just find the entire sign offensive...

  3. I found it offensive as well TMoon. poor little mind screwed children that see this crap.

    Blogger is having problems and I am one who is annoyed how commenting has changed but have seen no forums about it so far.

    In addition everyone who had a follower list and stat counter of the kind I had anyway is gone. The gadgets are still there but you can't see them.

  4. The Bible is a collection of stories.

    No different from The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare or, Questions from Men and Women to the Advice Column of Playboy Magazine.

    I think and I believe, humans invented Christianity because they were/are afraid of death. A perfectly reasonable fear in my view but, for goodness sake people, it's now the second decade of the 21st century and the Baby Jesus ain't coming back to earth to save our asses.

  5. You guys do not get it.
    I was there the night that those letters appeared on that billboard sign.
    God put them there himself.
    I saw him do it with my own 2 eyes.
    It is a warning to their Pastor and Tele-Evangelicals that he is pissed and when he sends Jesse there will be hell to pay.

  6. I'm not going to sleep good tonight.

  7. You'd think god would be all mad about the war and killing and stuff...

  8. he would be Gene if the media made him mad like they should but of course that will not happen. god works in their own mysterious way.

  9. Aren't those bible thumpers waiting on him to come down to Earth again anyway!

  10. That they are and what a glorious day it will be. They get it all and watch the rest perish or something like that. Perfect if your a crazy ass believer of nonsense.
