
Nationwide Sheriff Tea Baggery

This is real special too and eight of the hundred who showed their mug in Vegas were from Colorado. A couple "you gotta be kidding me's" below and these people are allowed to be in charge of law enforcement generally at county level - - what!!

One badge from here says he agrees with most of it but not violence against other badges ya see. It's tough to read about some of this stuff from the right and this is one of them. That so many and in this case it's people who wield much power in their own locality are basically advocating the use of force to change our governmental process. It's fucking sick is what it is and of course wrong. These warriors for the 1% have been totally mind fucked like most of the teabuggery fools around the country by Fux Whore News and the rest of them.

Get along with the likes of people who think like baggers do? Good things ahead with the exchange of ideas from all sides culminating in new legislation to deal with ever changing issues that affect our country? Hope is not lost here but to hope that good can happen now in the District of bought wrinkled old Whores in this climate is a pipe dream.

The 1% loves "hopers" because they spend their time doing that and thinking they can make hopey change and meanwhile the other side have moved on to another way to fuck something up or to mind screw others with their lies. 

There are not many "good" things coming down the pipeline. How can there be when there are divisions like we have now that will not be allowed to change?


  1. Lovely photograph today- just what I needed to look at.
    The gang you posted about...not so lovely. These guys are scary-crazy.
