
A Real Smoke Screen

There is the distinct possibility there may be a vote to legalize da pot this November in Colorado. There is like 10 days left to get the rest of the signatures.

A historic bust up in the metro area of Denver.  90 arrested and it took hundreds of badges to get that done.

Then there's a piece of shit article just up the road at jebus/military central that will not get a link but out of the UK where like here lies at any level is the norm given credibility where there should be none.

They say drivers high on marijuana may follow cars too close, and swerve in and out of lanes.  Ya see there! Pot very bad.

Who knows what else is coming down the tube to discredit this plant and those who very much want to use it to it's fullest capabilities.

In the end the guvmint even if some state does pass a legalization measure will ensure that all Americans who wish change in this matter and use marijuana remain criminals.

You'll see no baggers around this issue. I mean it not being Mercun giving dopers a pass.  

It's very simple but the 1% will not allow it. The deniers have most of the weapons-money,media,guns for a few. The other side has little money and the truth in it's arsenal for change. Excellent video here.


  1. Back in 2006, I spent several days camping in Manatee Springs State Park in Florida. Didn't see any manatees, however.

  2. I should have seen one when I was there but like you - no banana.

  3. Drivers who are high may follow too close, but pilots who are raptured will let their jets crash into elementary schools. How long will we allow this threat to hang over our children's heads?
